the 71 year-old Aunty Mei, one of the Green Walkers for the whole journey.
Green Walk initiated by Himpunan Hijau chairperson, Wong Tack, for the cause of presenting memorandum in protest against Lynas Advanced Material Plant (LAMP) in Gebeng, Kuantan. He who lead the green walk, officially embark yesterday, 13th November 2012 to 26th November 2012. For about 30 Green Walkers will carry on the journey, covering 300 km in 14 days, crossing 12 villages.
"i hope my humble action will evoke the highest spirit and build the strongest bond among the ordinary citizens of this land. It is my aspiration that when the time comes and the situation requires, we must be ready to stand at the front-line and give our all to safeguard our homeland and protect our children from harm." -Wong Tack-
If you're unable to participate in the Green Walk from Kuantan to Parliament, do show up in Green Shirt at Dataran Merdeka on 25th November 2012 to give them support!
Sim and his family, came all the way from Pengerang, supporting the Green Walk.
Wong Chin Huat- a Malaysia political scientist, an university lecturer, a political activist, also a columnist.
a farmer+barefooter, wanting to bring out environmental concern.
"i support the green movement, because the Buddha which
created this clean territory, a country must be clean, including green,
thus i came out to support this movement." to defy the lost in translation, here's what he originally said in Chinese.
Don't turn Kuantan town into the shadow of cancer, i want to grow up healthily!
Another businessman+barefooter, "Go Green, Go Barefoot" he said.
4 representative from the Runner club.
Lone ranger from bike racing club. Also, safe guarding the Green Walkers to destination.
the children wanting a healthier, cleaner, better future.
56 year-old Loong, took a 2 weeks leave from work, "just living is not enough! it also have sunshine, clean air, and freedom!"
the BERSIH Commandments
Children frolicking under the greeting sun, how many days left before the inevitably joy and delight deprive?
Stop Lynas! Save Malaysia!
we make the world we live in and shape our own environment.
Keep your barefoot on the ground, let your heart soar high! never surrender your chill of environment.
Why? that we have to fight the government to save the environment?
the Murum's Penan, "Stop the Dam in Baram!"
Damn the Dam!
“The people will never retreat a single-step nor tolerate stagnancy. We
will continue to push forward. Our second wave of people’s actions shall
kick-off immediately!” said Wong Tack, chairperson of Himpunan Hijau.
Philip Jau, Chairman of Baram Protection Action Committee (BPAC), "when i meditate, the strength comes to me." he said.
We were displaced from our ancestral lands as a
result of ventures such as the exploitation of natural resources. Denial
of our right to control our own development based on their own values, needs and priorities, a lack of - or very
poor -
political representation and a lack of access to social services.
The human rights of our peoples who have endured centuries of exploitation
and marginalization. And we are forcibly
removed from our lands without prior consent!
DOA, Prayer, and Chant before the beginning of "war".
"i'm a farmer all my life, i am literally illiterate, but the one thing i know best, is walk, barefooted!"
Save the Sarawak River! Damn the Dam!
"We'd been friends for life, we don't want our children to cope with the
fear, worry and depression, some mess we'd left behind."
Aunty Mei, leading the charge.
Approximately 400 participants join the first day morning green walk from Mosque to Sri Mariammam Temple.
"Uncle, where are your friends? Why aren't they supporting the Green
Walk? We are in Standard 1, we come in team!" 2 little boys asked.
Murum's Penan, chanting outside Sri Mariammam Temple, while the rest of the Green Walkers getting their blessing.
Blessed in light.
Ritual ceremony coconut burst.
Long, endless straight road barefoot under a bright, hot sun
You see, Government doesn't create wealth, the only job Government need
to do is to respect their stakeholders, us, the citizens.
What holding you back when people from 5 y.o. to 72 y.o. also participate the Green Walk?
Stop Lynas!
29 green walkers (excluding the media team), carry on completing the 300km walk to Parliament.
5 year old boy rest for watermelon and drink, he carried on at least
18km until the heavy downpour and his dad has to pursue him to stop.
71 year old Aunty Mei has to put a halt to her mission for time being due to hamstring. She'll rest and carry on tomorrow.
Aunty Mei enjoying Kung-Fu massage from Wong Tack.
...our culture's frenzied and mindless assault on the last shreds of
nature may not be the wisest course... We're melting the ice caps,
ripping up the rainforest, and vacuuming the oceans of everything that
wriggles - George Meyer